Monday, July 20, 2009


By Auburnimp and Michael Barnette

Hajiri is a zonewarrior. A former gunwhore who once sold his body for money, he’s looking for the job that will let him move up in the live and die world of the Shinjuku Containment Area.

A chance meeting outside a popular Shinjuku club leaves Hajiri in the possession of a corporate high roller’s battlepet. A young human/snow leopard cross genetically engineered to be the perfect sexual partner and bodyguard.

The last thing Hajiri needs is a complication in his life. But how can he turn away a person who had been tossed out like so much trash, especially when that man just saved his life?

Hajiri doesn’t want responsibility. What Hajiri gets is a lot more than he bargained for when the young man shows him what it means to be a battlepet’s Master.

Contains graphic sexual encounters between men, strong D/s themes, toys, spanking and violence.

Note from Stormy: I read a lot of books, probably 15 - 20 a week. Every once in awhile I come across a book that I REALLY like and I tend to read it over and over again. Hajiri's Pet is one of those books. If it was in paperback form, the pages would be worn out. I reread this book at least twice a week. It's just that good.
Two men living in a society that doesn't hold with tender emotions learn to care about each other despite what they are. Can't have it any better than that. If you get a chance, I would give this book a look, then maybe another one and another one.

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