A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Successful E-Published Author
In this detailed "how-to" book, freelance editor, Jill Noelle Noble, provides authors with the tools and knowledge they'll need to navigate their way through the world of e-publishing. From building a brand to social media to working with an editor or a cover artist, Not Your Mother's Publishing Model is a compilation of information any author--from aspiring to established--will find invaluable.
Introduction– E-Publishing vs. Print?
Over the past 10 years or so, I've watched the e-publishing industry grow from a completely unknown entity, to an industry belittled, criticized, and disregarded, and then finally, to a business model most major print publishers are now attempting to emulate. Unfortunately, most of them are trying to apply the old, print-publishing model at the same time, and that's kind of like putting a square peg in a round hole.
What they don't understand—and what is imperative you understand, if you intend to become a successful e-published author—is that e-publishing is not print publishing. Let me say that again. E-publishing is not print publishing.
How are they different? First, while print publishing is publisher-driven, e-publishing is author driven. This is especially true where genre fiction is concerned. Harlequin,for instance, has a reader following that will purchase every single book that comes out under one of their imprints, no matter the author. A print publisher's name and brand sells print books, while an e-publisher's authors drive their sales. I know there are e-publishers out there who will disagree with me, and that's their prerogative, but I can guarantee those publishers owe the majority of their success to a handful of authors who've worked tirelessly to build their online presence and turn out good books. Another big difference? The readers. Those who purchase e-books expect lower prices, unique plots and storylines within mixed sub-genres, instant gratification, and immediate access to their favorite authors.
Let's focus on that last bit for a moment, because those are the most important factors you need to remember if you want to become a successful e-published author.
The publisher you choose will set your book's price, but you have complete control over the other things readers look for in an e-book. E-publishing allows you to write the stories you love, because most e-publishers don't have strict genre requirements. Have an idea for a book about a mixed breed, werewolf-vampire hero from Mars? If the story is exciting and well written, you will find an e-publisher interested in contracting your book. But that's only half the battle. The next step is building a following of readers who love mixed breed, werewolf-vampire heroes from Mars.
And that's where this book comes in. The advice contained on these pages relies on the presumption you have studied your craft and you are capable of completing a polished, marketable story. Bottom-line—in order to succeed, you must have a sellable product. If you do, or you will have, then you're ready to move forward. I'll take you systematically through the e-publishing process, from beginning to end, and I'll tell you all you need to know to become a successful e-published author. Much of the information you'll find on these pages can also be found online. There are literally hundreds of websites, blogs, and groups that contain information on how to go through the e-publishing process. I've gathered all this information into one book, and then added some tips and ideas of my own. Additionally, the final chapter contains an extensive list of categorized links you can access for more information.
Okay, we have a lot to cover, so let's get started!
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